dailycrapoftheday.blogspot.com dailycrapoftheday.blogspot.com


we love crap and the gownie obsession

But i can tell you that i love money. As well as the monkeys throwing money. Because one day that money's all gonna be mine. And i shall drown you in money. Can someone help me think of something to fill this up? This box is so damn big and looks weird without words. So here i am rambling about my money. Or my lack of money. I want a lamborghini. Which i will buy with my future tub of money. Oh wow this thing is half filled already. I'll applaud myself with money. Money here money there. I got a new love!














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we love crap and the gownie obsession | dailycrapoftheday.blogspot.com Reviews
But i can tell you that i love money. As well as the monkeys throwing money. Because one day that money's all gonna be mine. And i shall drown you in money. Can someone help me think of something to fill this up? This box is so damn big and looks weird without words. So here i am rambling about my money. Or my lack of money. I want a lamborghini. Which i will buy with my future tub of money. Oh wow this thing is half filled already. I'll applaud myself with money. Money here money there. I got a new love!
1 i want nobody
2 nobody but gownie
3 don't tell you
4 money everywhere
5 layout vehemency
6 icon reruntherace
7 feeling crappy
8 crap buddies gownie
9 nini
10 huan
Page content here
i want nobody,nobody but gownie,don't tell you,money everywhere,layout vehemency,icon reruntherace,feeling crappy,crap buddies gownie,nini,huan,again,how can liddat,into jyj nowadays,random,hahahaha seungri rocks

we love crap and the gownie obsession | dailycrapoftheday.blogspot.com Reviews


But i can tell you that i love money. As well as the monkeys throwing money. Because one day that money's all gonna be mine. And i shall drown you in money. Can someone help me think of something to fill this up? This box is so damn big and looks weird without words. So here i am rambling about my money. Or my lack of money. I want a lamborghini. Which i will buy with my future tub of money. Oh wow this thing is half filled already. I'll applaud myself with money. Money here money there. I got a new love!


dailycrapoftheday.blogspot.com dailycrapoftheday.blogspot.com

we love crap and the gownie obsession


But i can tell you that i love money. As well as the monkeys throwing money. Because one day that money's all gonna be mine. And i shall drown you in money. Can someone help me think of something to fill this up? This box is so damn big and looks weird without words. So here i am rambling about my money. Or my lack of money. I want a lamborghini. Which i will buy with my future tub of money. Oh wow this thing is half filled already. I'll applaud myself with money. Money here money there. Good names like ...


we love crap and the gownie obsession


But i can tell you that i love money. As well as the monkeys throwing money. Because one day that money's all gonna be mine. And i shall drown you in money. Can someone help me think of something to fill this up? This box is so damn big and looks weird without words. So here i am rambling about my money. Or my lack of money. I want a lamborghini. Which i will buy with my future tub of money. Oh wow this thing is half filled already. I'll applaud myself with money. Money here money there. For you to watch.


we love crap and the gownie obsession


But i can tell you that i love money. As well as the monkeys throwing money. Because one day that money's all gonna be mine. And i shall drown you in money. Can someone help me think of something to fill this up? This box is so damn big and looks weird without words. So here i am rambling about my money. Or my lack of money. I want a lamborghini. Which i will buy with my future tub of money. Oh wow this thing is half filled already. I'll applaud myself with money. Money here money there. Falls in love wi...


we love crap and the gownie obsession


But i can tell you that i love money. As well as the monkeys throwing money. Because one day that money's all gonna be mine. And i shall drown you in money. Can someone help me think of something to fill this up? This box is so damn big and looks weird without words. So here i am rambling about my money. Or my lack of money. I want a lamborghini. Which i will buy with my future tub of money. Oh wow this thing is half filled already. I'll applaud myself with money. Money here money there.


we love crap and the gownie obsession


But i can tell you that i love money. As well as the monkeys throwing money. Because one day that money's all gonna be mine. And i shall drown you in money. Can someone help me think of something to fill this up? This box is so damn big and looks weird without words. So here i am rambling about my money. Or my lack of money. I want a lamborghini. Which i will buy with my future tub of money. Oh wow this thing is half filled already. I'll applaud myself with money. Money here money there.





wing-egg.blogspot.com wing-egg.blogspot.com

recaptured sanctuary


Wednesday, January 31, 2007. OMG Sungie smiled at me. Haven't been having alot of time to post on ma blog since I've been having lots of homework everyday. Didn't finish maths today, left with 2 questions. But I've exceeded my daily expenditure of brain cells so no more means no more. Watching Shinhwa's videos now (yes, again), drooling over Sungie's kawaii face OMG. Kiiii He's just too cute. Keep seeing Rain's bowl-cut hair on tv. Don't like it at all. Now one more thing to add to my disgust. I should r...

wing-egg.blogspot.com wing-egg.blogspot.com

recaptured sanctuary


Wednesday, November 29, 2006. There it is, the horrible feeling of emptiness again. It suddenly occurred to me that going to Japan may not be such a good thing. For the first time in my life, I fear taking the plane. Now I know why I love staying at home so much. Because I don't have to do anything, I will not do anything wrong. Right now I'm just feeling,. Everytime I think of the ugly winter clothes and the busy schedule I just feel depressed even more. I really hope,. So I pray,. Nini @ 5:52 PM. The s...

wing-egg.blogspot.com wing-egg.blogspot.com

recaptured sanctuary


Saturday, January 29, 2005. Today is a very special day! I went to the bank and opened my own account! Finally i got my own account! Then later im going to buy alot of new year things! I will definately buy alot of puddings! Finally i get to play maple story again! There's so many things to be happy about today! Nini @ 1:23 PM. Tuesday, January 25, 2005. Suddenly i realised i've bought 12 x/1999 bks. spent a great. Want to know what's gonna happen next. Nini @ 8:59 PM. Monday, January 17, 2005. Then afte...

wing-egg.blogspot.com wing-egg.blogspot.com

recaptured sanctuary


Wednesday, August 23, 2006. Br / 鏈夌編涓界殑鐢婚潰鍦ㄨ剳娴蜂腑鍋滅暀锛屽氨绠楀彧鏄 竴涓嬩笅锛屼篃瑙夊緱缇庡ソ銆? Br / 鐢熷懡涓 病鏈変簡鏃犺亰锛屼篃涓嶄細鍘荤弽鎯滃叾浠栫殑浜嬨? 涔熻 鍙 槸涓 鏃剁殑鍥版儜鎵嶈 寰楁伯涓с? Br / 杩囧幓浜嗭紝瀵傚癁绂诲紑浜嗭紝灏变細娴烽様澶 銆? 濡傛灉鐤叉儷浜嗭紝灏变紤鎭 紝涓嶈 鎶婅嚜宸遍 煎緱澶 揣銆? Br / 鐪嬬湅钃濆ぉ锛屽惉鍚 鐨勫0闊筹紝鎶撲綇骞虫椂蹇界暐鐨勪簨鐗? Br / 鍦ㄥ繖纰屼腑涔熻兘鎰熷埌骞哥 銆? Nini @ 10:11 PM. Sunday, August 20, 2006. I've got the feeling that I will die if I don't do well for prelims. Oh well, just wanna put up a very very VERY NICE picture. Nini @ 1:19 PM. Monday, August 14, 2006. How I wish I can fly ". Nini @ 7:52 PM.

wing-egg.blogspot.com wing-egg.blogspot.com

recaptured sanctuary


Thursday, June 29, 2006. 鍥犱负浠栨劅瑙変笂浼氭槸涓 涓 緢濂界殑鍝ュ摜銆傚洜涓哄畠鐪嬭捣鏉ユ槸涓 涓 緢娓 煍寰堝彲鐖卞緢鍠勮壇鐨勪汉銆侶aha 濡傛灉鎴戠湡鐨勫張鍝ュ摜鐨勮瘽鎴戝ぇ姒備細鏈夋亱鍏勬儏缁撳惂銆備笉杩嘖angta绗戠殑鏃跺 欑湡鐨勫ソ娓 煍鍝? Div style="clear:both; padding-bottom:0.25em". Nini @ 8:46 PM. 鏈 潵鎯冲啓鑰佸帆濠咼Tan鐨勪簨锛屽啓濂瑰 浣曚紒鍥惧悜鎴戜滑鏂藉帇锛屽 浣曡 鎴戜滑鐨勪笉灞戞墦璐ャ 傜湡鏄 釜澶辫触鐨勪汉銆傛垜鍊掓病琚 ス鐨勫簾璇濆奖鍝嶏紝鍙 槸瑙夊緱鐪肩潧寰堝共寰堜笉鑸掓湇銆傚ス涓 鍑哄幓鐪肩潧灏辫 寰楀ソ澶氫簡锛屾灉鐒剁溂涓嶈 涓哄噣銆傝 鎴戜滑鐨勫骇浣嶄笉鏄 涔犵殑鐞嗘兂鐜 锛岃 鎴戜滑涓嶈 鐪熺殑璇濅細姝诲緱寰堟儴銆備粈涔堝悧锛熷眳鐒舵妸'their'璇存垚'di-ar'锛屽彲瑙佸ス涔熷ソ涓嶅埌鍝 噷鍘汇? 鎴戝喅瀹氫互鍚庡啀涔熶笉瑕佷竴涓 汉鎼 湴閾佷簡銆傚お鍙 曚簡銆? Nini @ 5:04 PM. Wednesday, June 28, 2006.

wing-egg.blogspot.com wing-egg.blogspot.com

recaptured sanctuary


Monday, February 26, 2007. Qn (d) "Does god still have a future? Of course it's YES and a definite YES. I have always believed in god. ALWAYS ZOMGZOMGZOMG! Today I found myself staring blankly on the piece of photocopied GP homework question paper for 2 damn hours. Well, considered to be 2 hours, since my mind did occasionally drift off to Sungie world, hoho. In the end I chose to do the most difficult (should be) question which no living soul understand. Does this mean I'm not living? Nini @ 7:05 PM.

wing-egg.blogspot.com wing-egg.blogspot.com

recaptured sanctuary


Monday, November 29, 2004. It's now 11.23pm and i'm still doing layouts.i'm really very tired. Suddenly i wonder why i am making so many layouts. suddenly i feel that it is such a waste of time.now i am so obsessed with making layouts that i seldom write in my blog anymore. Another thing i found out is that i really like making layouts using light colours. i really wanted to make one which is dark but it just turned out so disgusting. haiz. Yawn* i'm so sleepy now. must stop writing / typing already ...

wing-egg.blogspot.com wing-egg.blogspot.com

recaptured sanctuary


Thursday, February 03, 2005. Then nowadays i've been playing maple story then they always got that patch thingy going on. toot lor. new patch everyday. then i cannot play. sai lar. but i've really pia-ing in maple story lor. trying to lvl up everyday. yah lah. Nini @ 7:45 PM. Nini 21 on 29. September 2011 T/ T. Singaporean. RV / NJC / NTU. Scandalizing as a matter of fact in life. Yesung's perfection causes me pain.

wing-egg.blogspot.com wing-egg.blogspot.com

recaptured sanctuary


Monday, April 23, 2007. My my, how can I resist you, dearest white chocolate. And suddenly I'm happy again, because my baobei is always there to make my life shine! I felt so much more cheerful after I read auntie dawn's column. Because it's awesomely (is there such a word? Funny Go read it too if you are in a bad mood. Auntie Dawn rocks! Life might be miserable, but on a happier note, I'm going to watch horror movie with dearest qiuhui this saturday! I miss kiwi so so muchie . Nini @ 8:34 PM. When the o...






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dailycrapoftheday.blogspot.com dailycrapoftheday.blogspot.com

we love crap and the gownie obsession

But i can tell you that i love money. As well as the monkeys throwing money. Because one day that money's all gonna be mine. And i shall drown you in money. Can someone help me think of something to fill this up? This box is so damn big and looks weird without words. So here i am rambling about my money. Or my lack of money. I want a lamborghini. Which i will buy with my future tub of money. Oh wow this thing is half filled already. I'll applaud myself with money. Money here money there. I got a new love!

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The Daily Crapola | My take on life, take it or leave it. I'm outwardly a professional who battles typos by using Microsoft Office. I am also still working on who I am, but the only thing I do know is that I am brutally honest, a bit screwed up and

My take on life, take it or leave it. I'm outwardly a professional who battles typos by using Microsoft Office. I am also still working on who I am, but the only thing I do know is that I am brutally honest, a bit screwed up and not a tad bit politically correct. Thanks for dropping by The Daily Crapola! Take a look around and grab the RSS feed. To stay updated. See you around! Latest Entries ». Friday is this week’s new news day…. Filed under: Internet Crapola. Mdash; 5 Comments. Herbert Chavez, 35, of ...

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Daily Crash

We've all felt that way sometimes:. System hangs, no traces. Oeh, I hate those. Today it happened again. I just wish I had some evidence, some clues about what went wrong. The system log shows nothing special:. Nothing to be investigated. I'll turn on the kernel core dumps. And hope I can find some proof there, next time. Create a USB Boot disk for MAC. Why do you need a bootable USB drive. How to do it in 3 easy steps. The easiest way is to press Cmd Space, then type "Terminal" and press "Enter". You've...