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Drops of Judaism

You can find my original posts on. Monday, 13 April 2009. Elul is the month that precedes Tishrei, it is the Month of Benevolence and of Apologies ( hodesh rahamim ve slihot. It is the Month of Repentance ( hodesh hazara be tshuva. It is the month for preparation for the "Days of Awe" ( Yamim noraim. 8211; the ten days between Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (The Atonement Day). Elul is the preparatory month for the Judgment, therefore:. The chapter "To David" ( le David. The Midrash also t...














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Drops of Judaism | drops-of-judaism.blogspot.com Reviews
You can find my original posts on. Monday, 13 April 2009. Elul is the month that precedes Tishrei, it is the Month of Benevolence and of Apologies ( hodesh rahamim ve slihot. It is the Month of Repentance ( hodesh hazara be tshuva. It is the month for preparation for the Days of Awe ( Yamim noraim. 8211; the ten days between Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (The Atonement Day). Elul is the preparatory month for the Judgment, therefore:. The chapter To David ( le David. The Midrash also t...
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skip to main,skip to sidebar,drops of judaism,picaturi de iudaism,hodesh month elul,and aravit,the evening prayer,posted by,iyar shalom,no comments,labels elul,judaism,rosh hashana,sabbath,yom kippur,about moshe moses,labels midrash,moses,pesach,yom tov

Drops of Judaism | drops-of-judaism.blogspot.com Reviews


You can find my original posts on. Monday, 13 April 2009. Elul is the month that precedes Tishrei, it is the Month of Benevolence and of Apologies ( hodesh rahamim ve slihot. It is the Month of Repentance ( hodesh hazara be tshuva. It is the month for preparation for the "Days of Awe" ( Yamim noraim. 8211; the ten days between Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (The Atonement Day). Elul is the preparatory month for the Judgment, therefore:. The chapter "To David" ( le David. The Midrash also t...


drops-of-judaism.blogspot.com drops-of-judaism.blogspot.com

Drops of Judaism: About Moshe (Moses)


You can find my original posts on. Sunday, 12 April 2009. The Midrash teaches us that Moshe was born prematurely, three months before the term. His mother hid him (the Pharaoh ordered that all Hebrew male newborns be killed), and, in order not to raise suspicion, she hid the delivery by placing pillows under her clothes. When her time "came", she took the little Moshe and she placed him in a basket. She let him go on the Nile, hoping to save his life this way. The Midrash tells that later, because of thi...


Drops of Judaism: March 2009


You can find my original posts on. Sunday, 8 March 2009. Sabbath and Yom Tov. Yom Tov refers to any holiday from the Torah in which we behave in the same manner as on Sabbath. The major difference between Sabbath and Yom Tov is that on Yom Tov one can prepare food (only for that day). On Yom Tov one can smoke (this is possible since cooking is allowed as well). On Yom Tov you can use fire (firecrackers, barbecue etc.), but you can't lit a fire, you bring the fire. Friday, 6 March 2009. Between the sunset...


Drops of Judaism: Hodesh (Month) Elul


You can find my original posts on. Monday, 13 April 2009. Elul is the month that precedes Tishrei, it is the Month of Benevolence and of Apologies ( hodesh rahamim ve slihot. It is the Month of Repentance ( hodesh hazara be tshuva. It is the month for preparation for the "Days of Awe" ( Yamim noraim. 8211; the ten days between Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (The Atonement Day). Elul is the preparatory month for the Judgment, therefore:. The chapter "To David" ( le David.


Drops of Judaism: About Sabbath


You can find my original posts on. Friday, 6 March 2009. It's being said that "The Jews didn't protect the Sabbath as much as the Sabbath protected the Jews". and rightly so. You can't forget who you are, you can't ignore your roots when the seventh day arrives, the most wonderful day. Between the sunset (shkya) - when there is still light outside - and the time that stars come out (tzet a kochavim) - when it's already dark - there is a period of about 15-20 minutes, the twilight (bein a shmashot). The f...


Drops of Judaism: April 2009


You can find my original posts on. Monday, 13 April 2009. Elul is the month that precedes Tishrei, it is the Month of Benevolence and of Apologies ( hodesh rahamim ve slihot. It is the Month of Repentance ( hodesh hazara be tshuva. It is the month for preparation for the "Days of Awe" ( Yamim noraim. 8211; the ten days between Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (The Atonement Day). Elul is the preparatory month for the Judgment, therefore:. The chapter "To David" ( le David. The Midrash also t...





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Picaturi de Iudaism: noiembrie 2008


Duminică, 16 noiembrie 2008. Sucotul este o sarbatoare a recoltei, dar principala ei semnificatie e legata de Iesire din Egipt. Suca se spune ca ar fi fost corturile in care traiau evreii in desert sau norii prin care Dumnezeu ii ducea prin desert. Desi ar trebui sa fi in luna nisan, este pusa acum, tocmai pentru ca nisan pica in general primavara, cand e o placere sa stai afara, iar evreii trebuiau sa simta.diferenta dintre confortul cald al casei si frigul din suca( cu semnificatiile de rigoare).

picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com

Picaturi de Iudaism: aprilie 2009


Marți, 28 aprilie 2009. 61 de ani de cand pentru evrei cuvantul Acasa si-a recapatat sensul, 61 de ani de cand suntem o natie,avem o Casa. La multi ani, Israel! Posted by Iyar Shalom. Am inceput sa scriu blogul asta din cel mai altruist motiv ce putea exista, s-a vrut a fi doar despre iudaism, postari ce sa nu reflecte ce simt eu sau parerea mea. Acel feed-back nu l-am primit niciodata si deja incep sa ma simt bine in ipostaza de a vorbi cu peretii, vantul si alte elemente ale naturii :). Cu niste ani in...

picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com

Picaturi de Iudaism: Revolta autorului


Marți, 28 aprilie 2009. Am inceput sa scriu blogul asta din cel mai altruist motiv ce putea exista, s-a vrut a fi doar despre iudaism, postari ce sa nu reflecte ce simt eu sau parerea mea. In tot acest timp am asteptat un mic semn.ca cineva undeva "respira" cand citeste ( a se citi traieste),ceva "uman" ,ca statistici ,grafice si analize cand a intrat cine a intrat de ce si cat a stat si de cate ori a clipit am primit cat sa umplu o biblioteca. Si pentru ca azi schimbam macazul.sa o facem in stil mare.

picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com

Picaturi de Iudaism: Ata li Eretz


Marți, 28 aprilie 2009. 61 de ani de cand pentru evrei cuvantul Acasa si-a recapatat sensul, 61 de ani de cand suntem o natie,avem o Casa. La multi ani, Israel! Posted by Iyar Shalom. 10 mai 2009, 14:25. Datiu lu' peste, dai muieri despuiate pe blog, pfui- Tzniut! 12 mai 2009, 20:22. Blogul este DESPRE iudaism, DESCRIE iudaismul;nu e casher si nici nu stie ce e aia tzniut, dar tine shabatul.asa ca am sperante ca in timp va deveni satmar! Abonați-vă la: Postare comentarii (Atom). Enter your email address:.

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Picaturi de Iudaism: aprilie 2008


Luni, 7 aprilie 2008. Pesah-ul , sarbatoarea Iesirii evreilor din Egipt, este una dintre cele mai importante sarbatori iudaice. Numele sau vine de la "pasah" = Dumnezeu a sarit peste casele evreilor ( se refera la ultima dintre plagile cazute peste Egipt). Obiceiuri de Pesah :. In a-13-a zi a lunii Nisan. In a-14-a zi a lunii Nisan. Anul acestea pe 19 aprilie ), de dimineata. Se arde hametzul care mai exista in casa, se spune rugaciunea pentru hametz( pentru cel ce nu l-ai gasit dar care se poate afla in...

picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com

Picaturi de Iudaism: septembrie 2008


Luni, 8 septembrie 2008. Luna Elul este luna dinainte de luna Tishrei, este Luna Milostiveniei si Scuzelor (. Luna Intoarcerii la Crediinta (. Hodesh hazara be ciuva. Este pregatirea pentru Zilelor Groaznice (. Cele 10 zile intre Rosh haShana si Iom Kipur. Elul este luna pregatitoare pentru judecata, fapt pentru care:. In fiecare dimineata( exceptand Shabat-ul),la sfarsitul rugaciunii, se sufla in shofar, ,pentru a ne aduce aminte de Rosh haShana. Rugaciunea de dimineata) si. Posted by Iyar Shalom. Foart...

picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com

Picaturi de Iudaism: mai 2009


Duminică, 24 mai 2009. Pentru ca mai e un pic pana la Shavuot,sfarsitul Sfirat haOmer, m-am gandit sa va impartasesc una din explicatiile auzite de curand in legatura cu Sfirat haOmer, explicatie date de un elev de ieshiva. Numaram crescator, adaugand o zi si nu descrescator ,caci cu fiecare zi ce trece suntem mai aproape de a 50 a zi, dar nu oricum, caci fiecare zi e deosebita, fiecare zi aduce ceva in plus. Asteptand atat de mult ultima zi , timpul trece foarte repede ,se numara zilele ce au fost.

picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com

Picaturi de Iudaism: Caf zain benisan ( a 27a zi a lunii nisan)


Joi, 16 aprilie 2009. Caf zain benisan ( a 27a zi a lunii nisan). Caf zain benisan- 21.04.09- este stabilita de catre Parlament ca Ziua Comemorarii Victimelor Holocaustului si Ziua Comemorarii Eroismului. Pe cafzain benisan s-a terminat lupta in Ghetoul din Varsovia, evreii demonstrand ca nu se lasa dusi in lagare , ca mieii la taiere, fara sa se opuna, fara sa lupte pentru viata lor. In Asara betevet, se comemora ziua inceperii asediului Ierusalimului de catre armata lui Nabucodonosor, regele Babilonului.

picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com

Picaturi de Iudaism: Despre Sfirat haOmer


Duminică, 24 mai 2009. Pentru ca mai e un pic pana la Shavuot,sfarsitul Sfirat haOmer, m-am gandit sa va impartasesc una din explicatiile auzite de curand in legatura cu Sfirat haOmer, explicatie date de un elev de ieshiva. Numaram crescator, adaugand o zi si nu descrescator ,caci cu fiecare zi ce trece suntem mai aproape de a 50 a zi, dar nu oricum, caci fiecare zi e deosebita, fiecare zi aduce ceva in plus. Asteptand atat de mult ultima zi , timpul trece foarte repede ,se numara zilele ce au fost.

picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com picaturi-de-iudaism.blogspot.com

Picaturi de Iudaism: Ierushalaim shel zaav ( Ierusalim de aur)


Marți, 12 mai 2009. Ierushalaim shel zaav ( Ierusalim de aur). Pentru multi sintagma " Ierushalaim shel zaav" nu reprezinta altceva decat celebrul cantec. E adevarat ca e atat de cunoscut, si numele sau la fel, dar prima data "Ierusalaim shel zaav" a fost altceva, nu cantec :). Pentru ca e Lag beOmer , a 33-a zi de Sfirat Haomer (de acum pana la Shavuot mai sunt 17 zile), si pentru ca Lag baomer e atat de legat de numele lui Rabby Ackiva m-am gandit sa scriu despre "Ierusalim shel zaav". Asa ca primul "I...





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Blog de Drops-of-heaven - ~ My korean stuff <3_ - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. My korean stuff 3. 9829; hide and seek! Mon monde Coréen 3. A prendre ou à laisser à vous de voir! Mise à jour :. Wonder Girls - Nobody (The Wonder Years Trilogy (Single). Abonne-toi à mon blog! HELP ME TO RESIST! Pour inaugurer la réouverture de mon blog, quoii? Non j'offre pas le champagne! Petit article sur THE K-GROUPE! Les plus beaux, les plus canons: BIGBANG. Ils sont beaux, jeunes, célèbres, talentueux, quoi demander de plus? Ma song préférée d'eux!

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Drops of Innocence

Saturday, 26 April 2014. Wednesday, 23 April 2014. Glamorisation and it's influences on teenagers. Show teenagers that we must just accept negative things or even adopt them. Now its interesting because this tumblr user also has something on their blog known as a "Depression test" where your score determines what kind of disorder you have or what level of depression you have. Saturday, 5 April 2014. I haven't sketched in a while so I wanted to start again. Friday, 4 April 2014. Thursday, 20 March 2014.

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Drops of Judaism - Find Products

Drops of Judaism - Find Products. Add this page to favorites/bookmarks! Monday, May 25, 2009.

drops-of-judaism.blogspot.com drops-of-judaism.blogspot.com

Drops of Judaism

You can find my original posts on. Monday, 13 April 2009. Elul is the month that precedes Tishrei, it is the Month of Benevolence and of Apologies ( hodesh rahamim ve slihot. It is the Month of Repentance ( hodesh hazara be tshuva. It is the month for preparation for the "Days of Awe" ( Yamim noraim. 8211; the ten days between Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (The Atonement Day). Elul is the preparatory month for the Judgment, therefore:. The chapter "To David" ( le David. The Midrash also t...

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Drop of Jupiter Blog

Drops Of Vacuuming Wisdom. This time around we visit the realms of vacuuming. While this is no more. Drops of Lawn Care. Mowing the lawn can be a tiring job, so to make it easy I. Modern machines for making juices use massive hydraulic presses to apply tremendous pressure on. A Drop Of Jupiter Lost Past Month. Mandiba you will be missed. Such sentiments echoed far and wide the world over. Drops Of Vacuuming Wisdom. Drops of Lawn Care. A Drop Of Jupiter Lost Past Month. A Drop Of Jupiter Lost Past Month.

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Drops-of-light's blog - Blog de Drops-of-light - Skyrock.com

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Blog de Drops-Of-Love - Smile, It Confuses People ... - Skyrock.com

Mot de passe :. J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Smile, It Confuses People . MsN : chonchondenice@hotmail.Com. Cannes La Bocca / Nice. Dut Techniques de commercialisation, orientation marketting du tourisme, I.U.T Cannes. Mise à jour :. Abonne-toi à mon blog! N'oublie pas que les propos injurieux, racistes, etc. sont interdits par les conditions générales d'utilisation de Skyrock et que tu peux être identifié par ton adresse internet ( si quelqu'un porte plainte. Ou poster avec :. Il veut man...

drops-of-mercury.blogspot.com drops-of-mercury.blogspot.com

Drops of Mercury

Tuesday, February 06, 2007. Can I get Five Minutes of SANITY in this zoo! So, my life has been spinning out of control at a rapid pace for the past two weeks and I am freaking loving it. It's difficult to explain without writing a freaking novel on the subject, but here's the quick version. Mark and I met on uRO via a friend of mine. We wound up in the same guild, started talking, became friends, and the next thing we know, we're madly in love. And, well, it's just.a complete nutfest. Gay Daily News Blog.